
Poziv Jeanu Cloudu Junckerju da odreče podporo avtokratskemu Zaevu

Leto dni mineva od parlamentarnih volitev v Makedoniji, ki jih je s tesno večino dobila konzervativna stranka VMRO/DPMNE Nikole Gruevskega. Ker pa niti ena od albanskih strank ni hotela vstopiti v koalicijo z Gruevskim, ker jim je komunist Zoran Zaev obljubil uresničitev sanj o veliki Albaniji, če njegovi SDMS omogočijo prevzem oblasti, je makedonski predsednik Ivanov aprila letos mandat za sestavo vlade podelil Zaevu. Ker je Zaev zaradi albanske podpore uslugo vrnil z napovedjo, da bo predsednik makedonskega Sobranja postal Albanec Talat Xhaferi, nekdanji vodja albanskih terorističnih paravojaških enot (ONA), ki je ob albanski vstaji 2011 vodil spopade proti makedonski vojski. Aprila  je prišlo na ulicah makedonskih mest do množičnih protestov, ker je Zaev pristal na tako imenovano Tiransko platformo, s katero so Albanci dosegli spremembo makedonskih državnih simbolov, ustave, grba in himne. Prišlo je do vdora v Sobranje, ki so ga zavzeli protestniki, nekaj najbolj »vročih« pa je obračunalo z novimi obrazi Zaeve oblastne koalicije.

Napetosti so se v zadnjih mesecih vse bolj stopnjevale, že tako naelektreno ozračje so dodatno razpihovali Sorosevi poslanci iz vrst socialistov v Evropskem parlamentu, med njimi tudi Slovenci Ivo Vajgl in Tanja Fajon ter predstavnik EU na Kosovi Marjan Žbogar, ki so zagovarjali Tiransko platformo, kar pomeni oblikovanje še tretje albanske države na Balkanu.  Dokončno je »počilo« pred enim tednom, ko se je Zev s policijsko represijo lotil opozicije, ki so sodelovali v protestih pod naslovom Za skupno Makedonijo.  V priporu so končali nekateri poslanci VMRO/DPMNE v Sobranju in nekaj zavednih Makedoncev, med njimi igralca  Vlado Jovanovski, Goran Angelov – Koseto.

Ob dogajanjih v Makedoniji se je Evropska unija zavila v molk, molči tudi Evropska komisija  Jeana Clauda Junckerja, ugotavlja v svojem odprtem pismu novinar Jože Biščak. Veliko imajo opraviti evropske inštitucije z Madžarsko in Poljsko, ne prepoznajo pa naklep avtokratskega Zaeva, ki je le podaljšana roka kontroverznega Sorosa, o uničenju makedonskega naroda. Biščak Junckerja sprašuje, kako lahko Evropska unija tako neprizadeto spremlja aretacije makedonskih demokratov in domoljubov in izpustitev iz zapora resničnih teroristov, ki so pred petimi letih v albanski vstaji sejali smrt med nedolžnimi ljudmi. Se Juncker ne zaveda, da z molkom  podpira avtokratsko komunistično vladavino v Makedoniji, prežeto s kriminalom in terorizmom, se sprašuje Biščak.

Pismo Jožeta Biščaka Jeanu Claudu Junckerju objavljamo v celoti.





The Macedonian people are witnessing the most cruel conspiracy in their history – a conspiracy to destroy the Macedonian nation. And you, Mr. Juncker, actively participate in this. With the help of obedient MEPs you actively helped replace the Government of Gruevski in order to realize the plan for the systematic erasure of the Macedonian people. Under the disguise of democracy Zaev was placed as head of the Government, but now he showed his true face. Six VMRO members of Parliament and some of the leading Macedonian artists and activists have been detained under political charges and inexplicably charged with “terrorism”.

At the same time, real terrorists, a group of Islamists who in 2012 gunned down for teenage Macedonian boys and another innocent bystander, with the deliberate goal to spark an inter-ethnic and inter-religious war, are being released from prison as part of Zaev’s political deal with the Albanian parties. Now Zaev also asks for the release of the dozens of Albanian terrorists led by commander from Kosovo who attacked the Macedonian city of Kumanovo in 2015, again with the goal of sparking a broader conflict in the region. Due to the actions of EU’s representatives on the ground and some of these MEPs who openly support the SDSM party and Zaev, the Macedonian people are seeing that the whole of the European Union is supporting an autocratic junta, a group of criminals which cuts deals with Islamists and nationalist terrorists.

The Zaev Government is also full of supporters of the open borders policy which caused so much damage to the whole of Europe in 2015 and 2016. It was Macedonia and the Gruevski Government who stopped the Balkan route, which was used by the attackers who killed innocents in Paris and Brussels, where you live and work. Now, with this radical, hugely irresponsible and extremely destabilizing Government, we risk a Balkan wide inter-ethnic conflict and a spill over effect into Europe which will turn the Balkans again into a route for smuggling drugs, guns and Islamists into our countries.

You may not care about the violation of the right of the Macedonians to self-determination, to choose their own name. But if you have a sense of self preservation and if you care one bit about Europe, you must over-rule this destructive policy in the region and wake up to the dangers that are coming our way. And not just merely care about yourself, your bureaucrats, your power, position, prestige and pleasure.

I am so angry. Very dark clouds are hanging over Europe. And you, Mr. Juncker, first accuse Poland and Hungary, which are the only countries that are worried about Europeans’ livelihood, their land and their future. You threaten them. Shame on you!

Now you are have turned on Macedonia! First you have helped destabilize the country with your MEPs and than you put the power in the hands of the criminals! In the name of what? Leftism? Elites? Soros? Feminism? Flowers in the hair? Migration? Or simply in the name of colour of money? And what you will do with yours a corrupted purposes? You can push the Macedonians people into a civil war! For Macedonian patriots defeat is not an option. Macedonia has a long history and a very brave and proud people, who love their country and nation. Macedonia was the last defence line between civilization and barbaric hordes. You wish to destroy this? Because now the borders are slowly opening.

Do something and stop the frivolous Zaev, who violates human rights. Stop him. If you do this, Mr Juncker, half of your sins will be forgiven and maybe, just maybe, you can knock on the heavenly door with a peaceful conscience. Otherwise, you will burn in hell. I will not pray for you.

Jože Biščak

Journalist from Slovenia


Ljubljana, December 4, 2017

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