[Gradiva] Mednarodna konferenca “Priprava poti v podnebno nevtralnost” | 6. – 8. oktober 2021
V zadnjih dveh dneh mednarodne konference “Priprava poti v podnebno nevtralnost” smo poslušali veliko zanimivih predavanj strokovnjakov iz cele Evrope.
Program tretjega dne konference se bo začel 8. 10. 2021 ob 9:00 uri. Dogodek bo prav tako predvajan preko platforme YouTube in ga lahko spremljate v ŽIVO na naslednji povezavi: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWs2e0NGgiQYOw0EiX1XOjg
[POSNETEK 1. DAN]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybJ_4bbp-vE&t=3s
Session I: How ambitious are the long-term climate strategies?
- I_1_Paravan_Long-term vision in practice
- I_2_Richard Baron_LTS participatory and inclusive
- I_3_Alban Kitous_Delivering the EU Green Deal
- I_4_Ayolt de Groot_Climate policy framework in the Netherlands
- I_5_Gertraud Vollansky_Long term climate strategy of Austria
- I_6_Trstenjak_Extensive consultations on LTS background analysis in Slovenia
Session II: Monitoring and evaluation for better implementation
- II_1_Barbara Petelin Visočnik_The Climate Action Mirror and the Local Climate Action Scoreboard
- II_2_Martijn Verdonk_Tracking progress of climate and energy policies in the Netherlands
- II_3_ Matthias Duwe_National climate governance in Europe
[POSNETEK 2. DAN]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCbvpAo50YY
Session III: The challenges of carbon-neutral pathway modelling and analyses
- III_1_Neven_Duic_Overview_Energy_Sectors_DH
- III_2_Iva Ridjan Skov_ Power-to-X as sector integration enabler_20211007
- III_3_Gasper_Stegnar_LIFE ClimatePath DHmodelling
- III_4_Ravi Kantamaneni_Industrial EE Modelling
- III_5_Matevž Pušnik_Conference_IND_v2_Results of the LIFE ClimatePath2050 project for industry
- III_6_Gregor Goričar_spajanje sektorjev_ELES
[POSNETEK 3 DAN]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dXFnt4PN9I
Session IV: The challenges of modelling and analysis in the LULUCF sector
- IV_1 Roberto Pilli_Forest modelling challenges and opportunities
- IV_2 Thomas_Ledermann_Modelling Austria
- IV_3 Bostjan Mali_Results and perspectives_modelling forest carbon sinks in Slovenia
vir: https://podnebnapot2050.si/gradiva-konferenca-priprava-poti-v-podnebno-nevtralnost-6-8-oktober-2021/